If you’re looking to scale https://thenewstack.io/tutorial-deploy-a-full-stack-application-to-a-docker-swarm/?utm_content=inline-mention app deployments, you’ll want to make sure to cluster a collection of nodes together into a https://docs.docker.com/engine/swarm/. I’ve already discussed how to deploy a Docker Swarm (with persistent storage) in “https://thenewstack.io/tutorial-create-a-docker-swarm-with-persistent-storage-using-glusterfs/.”
Once you have your Docker Swarm running, make sure to verify all the nodes are connected and ready by running the command (on the controller): docker node ls
With the Swarm up and running, your next task is to deploy a local Docker registry.
On the Docker Swarm controller node, deploy the registry with the command: docker service create --name registry --publish published=5000,target=5000 registry:2