I mean, really, really wrong, even when you pay serious money to Twitter. Leaving aside Twitter owner https://twitter.com/elonmusk‘s latest 13-year-old boy joke of https://www.businessinsider.com/elon-musk-painted-over-w-twitter-sign-san-francisco-hq-2023-4 Twitter’s most serious new annoyance is its new https://thenewstack.io/building-a-pricing-strategy-for-your-apis/ structure.

The company has also terminated other developer-related projects, such as the Twitter Toolbox, for app discovery and cut off numerous third-party clients and alternative Twitter apps.

Worse still, Twitter cut off API access to even some of its more successful Twitter app developers who were willing to pay the exorbitant new top rate.

Days later and after publicly shaming Twitter on Twitter, they finally got access again to the APIs.

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