We recently announced the general availability of https://www.ansible.com/blog/whats-new-in-ansible-automation-platform-2.4, This blog outlines the features of execution environment builder (ansible-builder) 3.0 that was included with this latest release. A key part of enabling our customers to create, manage, and scale their automation, they are portable Ansible runtime environments which enable us to truly decouple the control and execution planes in Ansible Automation Platform.

Ansible-builder 3.0 enhancements ansible-builder version 3.0 introduces some major changes in the definition schema to help customers create execution environments with more efficiency.

The execution environment definition format has changed with ansible-builder version 3, so I want to highlight the important things that you need to consider while building an execution environment with ansible-builder v3.

This version of the execution environment definition file offers substantially more configurability and functionality over the previous versions.

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