In this blog, we will discuss the steps necessary for upgrading the EKS cluster from version 1.16 to version 1.17.
Upgrading EKS Cluster Version: The cluster managed or created by eksctl can be upgraded with the below steps: 1.
Create New Node Group: After running the above cluster upgrade commands, you can create or upgrade your node groups. You can create node groups in the following ways: If you have a single node group, you can create a node group by CLI, run this command: If you have multiple node groups and have created them using a config file, you can also create node groups by config/yaml file.
To drain the node groups, run the following command, and if you want to undo the draining, use “–undo” with the command: To delete the old node groups, run the following commands: If you are using a config file to create and delete the node groups, then change the node groups in a config file and run the following command with the “–approve” flag: That’s all about upgrading the Amazon EKS cluster using eksctl.