In describing their motivation, the Google researchers who designed one of the earliest object storage implementations in the Google File System (GFS) detailed design requirements that still resonate after two decades. Namely, an object storage system should do the following: Engineers optimized early forms of object storage like GFS for online service providers.
Not only are organizations adopting cloud infrastructure and cloud-native application designs, but the following trends show that the enterprise data footprint is evolving in ways that favor object storage: Each of these enterprise storage trends favors object formats over block or file storage, since object storage is inherently scalable, highly distributed, more efficient -- in terms of both space and cost -- and enables granular security policies with access controls tailored to subsets of a repository.
Realizing that trying to win a price war with Amazon or Google is a losing proposition for a smaller company, most firms specializing in object storage technology shifted their focus to AI, machine learning and big data analytic workloads that can exploit faster I/O and new, embedded features.
SwiftStack, recently acquired by Nvidia, is object storage software that supports SwiftStack policy-based workflows to, for example, add metadata, labels and tags that can be used in preprocessing data to facilitate search and analysis.