DevOps:Roadmap: Very useful representation to understand tools and technologies used in DevOps : that every DevOps professional should be aware:Curated list of 100-best-devops-stories-of-2019: and DNSHow does Internet work: a webpage might take less than a second but these are the steps that happen underneath: DNS works:Really useful article to understand Route 53 better:Difference between CNAME and Alias record: testing tools: git hub project using terratest : of terraform testing that we can perform:Ma king terraform more DRYer:The terraform should have code for pre installed plugins so that there is no change and using terraform workspaces automationImmutable infrastructure: This will eliminate issues caused by a hundred moving components that will give us the issue of it working in lower environment but not working in higher environment pipelines setup: Good representation on setting up your CICD pipeline with Security steps — DevSecOps Automation with terraform using Jenkins:Deployment using terraform and code pipeline aws using cloud formation: using jenkins file in ECS:Good example to test the deployment: automation using Jenkins + Ansible :Jenkins file for terraform plan and apply: neat pipleline examples : manual changes to terraform code: for different CICD pipelines: secrets: using code build /deploy: terraform Jenkins pipelineHas good examples on handling exception and user prompt : shows cloud bees integration in Jenkins UI as wellHas better user prompt diagram for the Jenkins pipeline to IAC set up error handlingSending messages to slack on success and failureUses scripted pipeline certified engineer certification details: CLIUseful commands with CURL:Essential Linux commands:PYENV set up for handling multiple Python versions:Useful videos on SysAdmin tasks in Linux:Making sense of memory usage in Linux:Installing Java: SSH works:SSL :How SSL certs are submitted for CA verificationOne way and Mutual TLS explained: Cross account roles explained:Validate Lambda Events: MySQL or Aurora MySql:Install AWS CLI:SSH password authentication to EC2:ECS deployments: secrets for task def from secrets manager: ecs deployment : capacity provider eg: of container images in pipeline: manager for storing secrets : and clear explanation:KubernetesCKA/CKAD exam preparation:When do you need to go for Kubernetes:Pictorial explanation of Kubernetes:Curated list of 70 best Kubernetes tutorialsNginxVery clear intro to Nginx:Optimizing Nginx configurations: contexts in Nginx:Best practices:Rewrite rules in Nginx: proxy pass:JWT based validations in Nginx: an external end point to validate jwt: based on a username and password: based on IP: between HS256 and SHA-256 :Understanding JWT tokens : Written by

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