I will create a simple web application using AngularJS with login/sign-up functionality, and I will showcase how easy it is to make it full fledge application with all user management functions handled using Amazon Cognito.This article assumes that you have a basic understanding of web application development. This article doesn’t require you to have advanced skills in using Angular or AWS, but having familiarity with these technologies will help you to get most out of this.
Type below command to the consoleamplify add authOnce you entered above command, amplify will ask you to configure your user pools and provide you options to select the configuration, I am using manual configuration here to walk you through different steps involved, later on, we will review this information.
Select and store your pool id.Click on users and groups and you will see a screen similar to below, which shows that there are no users yet in your user pool, but once we start registering users through our application you will see users listed here.
This configuration allows Cognito service to send emails to the user on sign-up and user should be able to click on verify the link and his/her account will get activated for login.Now go to App Clients and note app client id and store it we will need it later in our application to connect to Cognito.