If it seems like each new day carries with it yet another announcement that threat actors have successfully launched cyberattacks using the vulnerabilities found in open source code —https://thenewstack.io/log4j-the-pain-just-keeps-going-and-going/ — it’s not just your imagination. The reality is that enterprises and governments are increasingly recognizing the https://thenewstack.io/the-stone-ages-of-open-source-security/ can create if not managed correctly by software developers.

But even as organizations make much-needed changes in how they handle open source code, it’s vitally important to understand how that third-party code impacts software development. By using open source code, developers gain access to innovation that’s been built upon by every developer who has contributed over time.

As organizations and developers continue to utilize third-party code, there’s no question that we’ll continue to see cyberattacks that are made possible by vulnerabilities found in that code.

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