When Second State started in 2019, the major use case for WebAssembly was in the blockchain, to run smart contracts. The Austin-based startup instead focuses on offering support for https://github.com/WasmEdge/WasmEdge, a WebAssembly runtime for cloud native, edge and decentralized applications. WasmEdge is open source and an official sandbox project hosted by the https://cncf.io/?utm_content=inline-mention, an open source, vendor-neutral hub.

And you have WebAssembly runtimes in all major browsers, but those are all WebAssembly runtimes written by, say, https://thenewstack.io/google-brings-rust-into-chromium-project/ and https://thenewstack.io/apple-plans-to-run-most-of-its-compute-management-on-kubernetes/.

Another reason frontend developers should know about WasmEdge and other Wasm runtimes is that frontend developers are doing more backend work, he said.

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