What if there was a way to use libraries from whichever programming language you wanted and compile them together? And what if developers could do that not in the distant future, but by year end?

This will allow developers to break down language silos and combine libraries from other languages, using Wasm as a language “https://lotr.fandom.com/wiki/One_Ring” to bind them.

With the component model, developers could build a library in C++, a library in https://thenewstack.io/developers-most-likely-to-learn-go-and-rust-in-2023-survey-says/, and a library in https://thenewstack.io/key-concepts/python/ — or any other language, including JavaScript — and be able to build them together like Lego bricks, to make a complete application, she explained.

Then developers only need to know things like which pieces from the library are needed and what functions to call.

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