Let’s dispense of introductions and keyword stuffing and get right into the answers you’re looking for — APIOps is a relatively new term that describes an approach to building APIs that combines: The automation, collaboration, quick iteration and focus on quality from a thriving DevOps culture. APIOps is often implemented and practiced by a platform engineering team, or an API platform team, with the sole responsibility of creating and maintaining the infrastructure and guardrails in which developers can build and deploy https://thenewstack.io/apis-are-where-fun-happens/ using highly iterative and automated workflows for the entire API life cycle. While this might seem daunting at first, APIOps is definitely achievable even when your operations engineers are more generalists than API aficionados.

A single source of truth for the entire API life cycle, from front/backend developers to operations/platform engineers, to understand what makes an API successful in production.

That’s how APIOps helps your organization create APIs faster, with higher quality code, while encouraging a collaborative culture.

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