This updated validation process is finally capable of addressing the cryptographic modules that have evolved since 2001.
The Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) is a series of standards by the U.S. Government designed to keep both cryptographic modules secure.
Under the Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA), the following entities are required to abide by FIPS standards: Other industries such as finance and healthcare, are also opting to adhere to FIPS standards because of its advanced focus on protecting sensitive data.
The software and OS security differences between FIPS 140-2 and FIPS 140-3 are as follows: Refer to the following list for updated information about FIPS 140-3 compliance and the specific revisions to legacy 140-2 standards.
For more details on the FIPS 104-3 validation process, refer to the FIPS 104-3 implementation guide by the National Institute of Standards and Technology Canadian Centre for Cyber Security