During the pandemic, https://thenewstack.io/digital-transformation-during-the-pandemic/ — without fully understanding the costs, both human and financial, they would pay for the convenience and scalability of a digital transformation. “They really didn’t have a baseline,” said https://www.linkedin.com/in/mekkacodes/ principal engineer, at https://spot.io/?utm_content=inline-mention in this episode of The New Stack Makers podcast.
https://thenewstack.simplecast.com/episodes/automation-for-cloud-optimization What’s especially worrisome is that many of those costs are simply wasted, Williams said. “Most of the containerized applications running in Kubernetes clusters are running underutilized,” she said.
“We’re paying attention to trends for cloud applications,” Williams said, “and we’re growing the portfolio to address the needs that are top of mind for those customers.”