With more data being collected than ever — and https://thenewstack.io/data-engineering-survey-shows-security-access-challenges/ and https://thenewstack.io/breaches-and-ransomware-a-look-back-at-2021/ a growing concern — data governance has never been more crucial. Perhaps ironically, the key findings from the new report indicate that, in particular, business professionals are less likely to believe data governance includes making it easier for business decision-makers to use the data their organization collects. For instance: Half of all IT decision-makers surveyed said they would define “data governance” as “clearly conveying data in terms of relatable business context.” But only 30% of business professionals surveyed said the same. The analyst firm Enterprise Strategy Group surveyed 220 business and https://thenewstack.io/the-benefits-and-drawbacks-of-dataops-in-practice/ investments and operations at their organizations.

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