When you look at the new features going into JavaScript each year https://thenewstack.io/the-new-javascript-features-coming-in-ecmascript-2023/, it might not always seem that the language is making major changes. Taken with major developments like adding native async in 2017, those incremental features add up, Vercel’s TC39 delegate https://github.com/jridgewell told the New Stack.

“These massive features, they don’t land every year: maybe every two years, maybe every three years.

Some significant new features, like https://thenewstack.io/the-new-javascript-features-coming-in-ecmascript-2023/, are almost ready for adoption; and others are in development to arrive in the next few years.

TypeScript was developed to https://thenewstack.io/how-typescript-helps-enterprise-developers/?sf159408970=1, rather than to replace JavaScript, but it’s also been a source of improvements to the language.

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