A https://go.chronosphere.io/2023-observability-report.html?utm_source=thenewstack&utm_medium=contributed-article&utm_content=blog uncovered a fact that I found extremely depressing: only 1% of companies are meeting their mean time to repair targets. Before you call shenanigans, let me explain the methodology: The survey, which went to 500 engineers and engineering leaders at U.S.-based companies first asked: “How long, on average, does it usually take your company to repair an issue?” Next, the survey asked them to answer “What is your target mean time to repair an issue?”

I state that like it’s a fact, but I’ve also seen MTTR stand for: Mean time to restore Mean time to respond Mean time to remediate Mean time to Rachel

Time to repair: If you’ve optimized the time to detect and the time to remediate, the time to repair actually becomes a less critical metric.

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