Within the growing cloud native development space, consensus has emerged around Kubernetes as the de facto standard for organizations. Many leaders in companies at the forefront of cloud native development in production confirm that Kubernetes is mostly a common orchestration framework for now.

Against a backdrop of https://thenewstack.io/platform-engineering-in-2023-dev-first-collaboration-and-apis/ as something of a standard, https://www.getambassador.io/resources/rise-of-cloud-native-engineering-organizations and the developer platform concept has become a kind of Holy Grail for organizations seeking a way to make the cloud native journey smoother for developers at every level of experience. There’s no one tried-and-true developer-focused Kubernetes platform, which is the challenge and the beauty of the whole idea.

Some key considerations for what development teams need from an efficient developer-focused Kubernetes platform include: Support for developer self-service and visibility.

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