Yondr Group Announces $2 Billion in Data Center Projects Across the Americas
The significant investment in data center projects will add to Yondr Group’s existing network of global data centers and underscores the growing momentum to meet cloud and edge computing demands in the Americas.
Prior to joining Yondr Group, Éanna, a leading authority on data center development, was a key member of the Google Data Center Delivery and Execution Leadership Team, where he oversaw the buildout of some of the world’s largest data centers.
As part of its Americas expansion plans, Yondr Group is additionally committed to make a concerted effort to address the shrinking talent pool that exists in the data center industry by widening the recruitment net through cross-skilling. This approach will allow Yondr Group to equip the new generation of data center talent with the right skillset to meet the growing requirements of operating and maintaining massive digital infrastructures.