Latest DevOps Articles

Latest DevOps Articles curated daily from around the web.

Look at how we approached the resolution of a MySQL performance issue and used Percona Monitoring and Management PMM to support troubleshooting.
In Part 3, we learn how security guard Misty photographs intruders and transforms their portraits with a Raspberry Pi.
As Linux is the basis for the infrastructures of many companies using DevOps practices, it's important that developers understand the relationship between them.
Fathom Analytics | Fast, simple and privacy-focused website analytics. Fathom Analytics | Fast, simple and privacy-focused website analytics.
Just as an architect is responsible for the visualization of buildings, this developer argues that the software architect should lead the digital transformation...
Assume you have installed Azure PowerShell already. If you don't have PowerShell install guide is in the following link. There are many ways you can filter the...
From the release of the first Serverless Security Top 10 Risks Guide and a collaboration with CSA, we look at the 12 biggest security risk for serverless apps.
This post looks at a DevOps security challenge — dealing with TLS Certificates. We focus on securing certificates, containers, and inter-service communication.
Achieve superior email deliverability with ToastMail! Our AI-driven tool warms up inboxes, monitors reputation, and ensures emails reach their intended destination. Sign up today for a spam-free future. Achieve superior email deliverability with ToastMail! Our AI-driven tool warms up inboxes, monitors reputation, and ensures emails reach their intended destination. Sign up today for a spam-free future.
Focus on ROI and ROE (return on experience) to gather credibility and expand your budget.
In our previous blog article, “Why a Whole Brain Approach to Secure DevOps is Critical,” we explained why a “whole brain” approach is critical to achieving a se...
This tutorial explores JMH, a benchmark for REST APIs.
A software architect explores the concept of data virtualization, explaining the main points behind it and going over a few use cases, such as data lakes.
Digital Ocean Providing developers and businesses a reliable, easy-to-use cloud computing platform of virtual servers (Droplets), object storage ( Spaces), and more.
Azure's Budget feature sends alerts when you've reached your limit, and this integration with Azure Automation makes sure you don't exceed that limit.
The CIA Triad is the reason IT Security teams exist. In this post, we take a look at a real-life example and how CIA impacts IT security and company data.
Technical debt is a term that is often misunderstood but carries a negative connnotation. Learn more about its true meaning, role, and necessity in development.
Mysql has many open source backup tools out there, some of which are mysqldump, mydumper for logical backups and xtrabackup for hot physical backups. They do th...