There are plenty of benefits to using a serverless architecture for your business. If you're ready to take the plunge, read all about it in this article.
With the rapid development of DevOps processes and IaC (Infrastucture As Code) tools that are becoming more and more diverse Cloud infrastructures can be deploy...
Providing developers and businesses a reliable, easy-to-use cloud computing platform of virtual servers (Droplets), object storage ( Spaces), and more.
This post evaluates the reasons why SSL monitoring is essential for application security, discussing everything from newsworthy breaches to new technologies.
Red Hat and Ansible are agreed to creating an open-source project around the Ansible Tower codebases which was named Ansible AWX. The AWX source code is availab...
A developer and leader with Cerebral Palsy reflects on the impact that his disability has had on his career and what it has taught him about leadership.
This article gives a full prospective roadmap that companies can look toward when designing a testing strategy and how to divide them between departments.
In this post, we take a closer look at how to further use TLS with Rust, learning how to implement the authentication portion of your network protocol in Rust.
Oops I click it again — exercise using a Win7 VM, Graylog & PowerShell Empire. The Win7 VM ran Sysmon, PowerShell 5.1 & NXLog forwarding into Graylog: If you ha...