Azure has introduced a new Public IP Address Prefix feature that allows you to choose a range of IP addresses for your Azure components within a region.
Providing developers and businesses a reliable, easy-to-use cloud computing platform of virtual servers (Droplets), object storage ( Spaces), and more.
A Docker Container crash course for busy professionals and absolute beginners from any background programmingBuddyClub Note: If the coupon doesn’’t work for you...
DevOps has evolved and changed throughout 2018. We took time to recap some changes to DevOps trends, practices, and principles that are taking place this year.
DevOps in an agile methodology of software engineering. Origin of the term comes from ‘development’ and ‘operation’ and it’s goal is to break the wall between t...
Generally whenever we talk about Devops, we are mostly focussed on faster and continuous deployment, automation and monitoring the system for errors and failure...
This article shows you how you can easily set up a YAML definition and use previously established Azure DevOps pipelines to get a free analysis of your code.
This article is meant to help a developer deploying an application to Google Application Engine with the following expectations: You will need to fork the examp...
Of late we’re basking in a warm triumphant feeling looking at our Kibana dashboards and feeling good how smoothly the logs are flowing. I consider the internet...
Apache solr is a powerful open source search engine. Lucene and TF-IDF (Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency) are the algorithms that it is based on. It ha...
Learn how to influence management and culture at your organization with DevOps and lean principles and leadership to improve software delivery performance.