Latest DevOps Articles

Latest DevOps Articles curated daily from around the web.

Partial pre-rendering is fun to say, but it was not fun to code — at least, not initially for the Next.js team. It required advanced configuration and it...
System integrators around the web are discovering SysLinuxOS, a Debian-based distro with a variety of networking and systems tools pre-installed. It’s des...
This post was going to be about System Initiative, a “Lego for deployment” service that I looked at last July and which has recently gone public. Bu...
Shirts painstakingly handcrafted by under-caffeinated developers. Shirts painstakingly handcrafted by under-caffeinated developers.
In an agile DevOps environment, developers move quickly and often, making small changes in ongoing sprints. Once applications go live, operations teams (and oft...
Today, Amazon Location Service released 17 new and enhanced APIs that expand and improve capabilities for the Routes, Places, and Maps functionalities, creating...
If you’ve been around the Cassandra project long enough, you develop a sense of where distributed databases are heading. The long-time contributors to thi...
JavaScript SEO is crucial for ensuring your web application is discoverable by search engines while providing a rich user experience. While JavaScript framework...
Digital Ocean Providing developers and businesses a reliable, easy-to-use cloud computing platform of virtual servers (Droplets), object storage ( Spaces), and more.
Just as architects rely on blueprints to know the details of a building, software developers use a specific resource to track each component within their applic...
Developer onboarding boils down to educating a new teammate on your software development life cycle (SDLC) so that they can deliver software.
Software development involves process and people. The people include both technical and nontechnical stakeholders, but because the process is primarily technica...
The transition from monolithic architectures to microservices has emerged as a practice in contemporary software development workflows.
Fathom Analytics | Fast, simple and privacy-focused website analytics. Fathom Analytics | Fast, simple and privacy-focused website analytics.
Will there ever be too many apps? It’s an interesting question. I know that large enterprises simply can’t function without them, even though 68% of...
For many people, software development is some inexplicable thing relegated to the über smart who’ve spent years studying computer science in an IVY l...
Yoga is an excellent activity that can help you increase your flexibility and mobility, regulate your nervous system, decrease inflammation in the body, and red...
Whether you’re eager to wander through ancient cities, relax on sun-kissed beaches, or conquer majestic mountains, a well-planned adventure is essential for cre...