Latest DevOps Articles

Latest DevOps Articles curated daily from around the web.

Modern software delivery practices have evolved over time. Things were pretty siloed in the age of waterfall software development; nobody knew what others were...
Last Tuesday Amazon founder Jeff Bezos (and three traveling companions) flew to the edge of outer space. But for 20 years there have been crews of people living...
When you hear the word “Kubernetes” what are your first thoughts? As such, your first instincts when building a new application may not include the idea of buil...
Fathom Analytics | Fast, simple and privacy-focused website analytics. Fathom Analytics | Fast, simple and privacy-focused website analytics.
In the last part of this series, we created the shared PVCs to enable collaboration among data scientists, machine learning engineers, and the DevOps team. Next...
Java platform provider Azul has proposed a new API to help developers get around the long start-up and warm-up times for Java apps by saving the state of the ru...
Because supply chain attacks compromise a higher number of victims with less effort, cybercriminals are unlikely to forgo this efficient attack method without a...
In this post, we’ll break down some of the basics of public cloud vs private cloud in a way that anyone can understand. We’ll cover what public cloud is, what p...
Digital Ocean Providing developers and businesses a reliable, easy-to-use cloud computing platform of virtual servers (Droplets), object storage ( Spaces), and more.
The year 2020 was a landmark year for many reasons, other than the obvious. The IT world saw the first time that cloud service revenues dwarfed spending on data...
VPN is now becoming a must-have for using the internet. Whether you want to secure your internet traffic or want to access some content on a streaming service t...
Hello everyone, in this article I will show you how easy and quick it is to install a Kubernetes cluster with multi masters. But I was having trouble logging in...
Refer to this set of instructions to deploy TKG Extensions version 1.3.1 to Tanzu Kubernetes clusters provisioned by the Tanzu Kubernetes Grid Service .
Digital Ocean Providing developers and businesses a reliable, easy-to-use cloud computing platform of virtual servers (Droplets), object storage ( Spaces), and more.

AWS Multi-region KMS Key
Multi-Region keys are a new feature from AWS KMS for client-side applications that makes KMS-encrypted cipher-text portable across Regions. With symmetric multi...
Pandas is a third-party library for numerical computing based on NumPy. NumPy is a third-party library for numerical computing, optimized for working w...
Over 80% of respondents from the software industry said in a survey that DevOps is effectively adding value to their work in some form or another. DevOps is inc...
A fully managed platform to automate infrastructure on any cloud with HashiCorp products. Today, I have some exciting news that I wanted to share with the broad...