Latest DevOps Articles

Latest DevOps Articles curated daily from around the web.

Within an organization, an operations model must be fit-for-purpose and be able to adapt as business needs change. At the same time, changing technology necessi...
You are certainly familiar with Kubernetes events, especially when you investigate a dysfunction in your cluster using the infamous kubectl describe command or...
My take on SRE practice after having built diverse SRE teams, which managed high-velocity feature additions for SAAS platforms, but still managed to attain >99....
Digital Ocean Providing developers and businesses a reliable, easy-to-use cloud computing platform of virtual servers (Droplets), object storage ( Spaces), and more.
Driven by machine learning, Lucidum provides complete visibility of all critical assets and context of how and why they are used for IT teams to take
Where the world meets DevOps
Clean code is like clean garbage – it’s only truly clean if it doesn’t exist. In other words, the only clean code is no code. Let’s start with an acknowledgment...
Cloud native computing is gaining in popularity. In 2020, for example, the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) reported 91% of surveyed companies were usin...
Digital Ocean Providing developers and businesses a reliable, easy-to-use cloud computing platform of virtual servers (Droplets), object storage ( Spaces), and more.
Effective product development is not creating a product that customers need; it’s creating a product that customers ‘want’ to use regularly.
In the fifth century BCE, Darius I came up with the Royal Road idea to connect the Persian Empire and its regions. On this road, the couriers traveled in relays...
Now that we have answered all the basic questions in relation to Kubernetes and have also had a look at the various architectural patterns you can opt for, the...
The remarkable case history of Linksys is a success story with a twist. It was a company that one analyst said “invented” consumer home networking, according to...
Shirts painstakingly handcrafted by under-caffeinated developers. Shirts painstakingly handcrafted by under-caffeinated developers.
You want to present a machine learning supported personalization experience according to your users’ actions and make recommendations for them. But you have no...
Is your marketing team frustrated with having to wait for simple website updates? Is their team already using Monday.
Choosing the best web framework isn’t that easy, and before choosing any one of them, you must have your priorities, requirements, and goals clear.
An experienced senior consultant explains how to document enterprise integration solutions for a MuleSoft/Integration project. Being an Integration Architect or...