Edge computing platforms sit at the boundary between the real-time world and the digital enterprise. Uninterrupted, uncorrupted data from the edge is a must if...
by Use Case: If we want to use shared resources or common global configuration from one of Mule application into another Mule application then this article cou...
Software security is extremely valuable to users, and even more to the companies. Security Statistics 2018 Report, WhiteHat Security revealed that “The...
Providing developers and businesses a reliable, easy-to-use cloud computing platform of virtual servers (Droplets), object storage ( Spaces), and more.
Catchpoint this week announced it has acquired Webpagetest.org as part of an effort to expand use of the open source web performance testing service. Led by Pat...
DevOps.com Where the world meets DevOps Home » Blogs » Exit Strategies By ROELBOB on September 18, 20201 CommentFiled Under: Blogs, ROELBOBTagged With: corporat...
DevOps has brought a paradigm shift in IT firms across the globe. It is now popularly known as culture in firms rather than technology because it breaks the tra...
Provisioners give Terraform practitioners a way to prep their infrastructure for use by installing software and deploying applications. While there are several...
by Prometheus is one of many open-source projects managed by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF). It is monitoring software that integrates with a wid...
Elasticsearch is a distributed, RESTful, full-text search engine designed to store, index, retrieve, and manage document-oriented or semi-structured data. Commo...
by Device and sensor manufacturers think of it as the sensors at the center of the IoT ecosystem with some connectivity and software around the sensors to capt...
by Artificial Intelligence is a growing industry powered by advancements from large tech companies, new startups, and university research teams alike. While AI...
When integrating Flutter, Xianyu uses Flutter plug-ins as bridges to acquire various native capabilities, such as obtaining device information and using the bas...
The main difference between a Job and a Cron Job is, a Job will perform a given task and once it’s completed it will stop the process and the Job runs only when...