Latest DevOps Articles

Latest DevOps Articles curated daily from around the web.

You’ve upgraded your Mac to macOS Catalina and your local dev environment based on Docker Desktop or VirtualBox/Vagrant stopped working and throws vague errors?...
by I have identified these challenges and solution based on my exposure to microservices in production. These are the ten major challenges of microservices arc...
by Smart contracts are the building blocks of Distributed Autonomous Organizations (DAO) – a set of smart contracts existing as a governance mechanism.
Achieve superior email deliverability with ToastMail! Our AI-driven tool warms up inboxes, monitors reputation, and ensures emails reach their intended destination. Sign up today for a spam-free future. Achieve superior email deliverability with ToastMail! Our AI-driven tool warms up inboxes, monitors reputation, and ensures emails reach their intended destination. Sign up today for a spam-free future.
Well In this post, as the title already says, we will be having a walkthrough for using Exchange in RabbitMQ Cluster setup. In the case of Node, we have amqplib...
Microservice architectures evolved from previous incarnations of Service-Oriented Architectures (SOAs) to promote agility and elasticity. They are often visuali...
Since the world is moving into the DevOps model, and the industry started focusing on automation, I thought of sharing something related to automation for deplo...
Both GIT commands are used for the copy of onebranch into anotherbranch. But both used different approaches. Rebase commit logs If you notice, In the m...
Digital Ocean Providing developers and businesses a reliable, easy-to-use cloud computing platform of virtual servers (Droplets), object storage ( Spaces), and more.
Have you ever been frustrated that you misconfigured some part of your cloud infrastructure and ended up troubleshooting for hours because of a simple fat-finge...

Monitoring Socket.IO Uptime
With Asserted you can write sophisticated uptime tests using the Socket.IO client library. Socket.IO is a library that leverages websockets and standard HTTP to...
Originally published on June 30, 2020, on Hewlett Packard Enterprise’s Enterprise.nxt, publishing insights about the future of technology.Container development...
ne of the best fit use cases for Cloudify is the automated creation of operational environments. This capability is great for automating integration testing, an...
Fathom Analytics | Fast, simple and privacy-focused website analytics. Fathom Analytics | Fast, simple and privacy-focused website analytics.
You’ll need an AWS account that can do the following This role will allow EC2 to communicates with CodeDeploy This role will allow CodeDeploy to communicates wi...
by Subsequent to Authorization and Authentication, Admission Controllers are the final step in a 3-step process before Kubernetes persists the resource in etcd...
by Service providers like Amazon Web Services are integrating better, more advanced automation tools to make the life of administrators easier. For ex...
by Problem customer faced was that during high traffic, application become unresponsive and it doesn't accept any further request. After going through...