Source: DevOps Sydney

August ONLINE DevOps Meetup

📣 ATTENTION: We'll be starting at 18:00 sharp.

The Zoom (as linked on this page) will be available to join from 17:50 onwards.

You must RSVP to see the link to the Zoom.

💃 Automating Infrastructure Governance with Azure Policy — Jesse Loudon

Managing 100s to 1,000s of Azure resources to meet your governance framework is often an operational responsibility. This can lead to situations of 'fire-fighting' where changes are applied ad-hoc. This has the compounding effect of leading to poor compliance overall if not regularly checked.

Azure Policy as Code is the combination of IaC and DevOps ensuring governance at scale is shifted away from clickops and afterhours oncall to a codified, policy-driven strategy.


Jesse Loudon is a Principal Consultant (LAB3) specialising in Microsoft Azure, DevOps and Infrastructure-as-Code initiatives; with over 10+ years IT pro experience. Jesse has published numerous blogs and videos covering Azure Policy as Code w/ Terraform and Bicep including recent contributions to #AzureSpringClean and #GlobalAzure.

⚡️ Lightning talks


Please let Michael and Lindsay know via Meetup if you would like to give a talk!

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