There are dozens of companies selling products to solve your Identity and Access Management (IAM) problems. Why so many? Because IAM is really hard. But why is IAM so hard? I hope to convince you in this talk that the reason is that our approach to IAM is fundamentally flawed. The talk includes my personal theory of how we got into this mess and a strategy for getting out of it.


Alan Karp has a Ph.D. in Astronomy and was an assistant professor at Dartmouth College until he found out that he was expected to spend all his time writing grant proposals. He then went over to the dark side, doing 15 to life at IBM and 20+ years at HP. Alan has published over 100 papers and tech reports and is actually proud of a few of the more than 75 patents he holds.


BayLISA meetings are scheduled for 7:30pm on the third Thursday of each month.

BayLISA includes system and network administrators across a range of skill levels. BayLISA meets to discuss topics of interest to system administrators and managers. The meetings are free and open to the public.

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