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YouTube link: https://youtu.be/ByCEdJvTu-U

Speaker: Richie Ganney – https://www.linkedin.com/in/richie-ganney-26965063/

As this is a hands-on session, please remember to have your laptop ready!

In this session you'll learn how to build a CI/CD pipeline that deploys a scalable web app to AWS using Jenkins and Terraform. We'll be utilising Infrastructure and Configuration as Code which allows us to easily spin up our pipelines and infrastructure, as well as version them.

During this Playground you will:

- Set up a Configuration as Code script in Groovy
- Configure a Jenkins sever and run that script to build a pipeline
- Write a pipeline script and write some Terraform code
- Push to Jenkins to deploy a React web app to AWS

You will need:
- A laptop with any modern web browser
- A GitHub account

We look forward to seeing you all!

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