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As this is a hands-on session please remember to have your laptop ready!

GraphQL is a query language for APIs. It allows clients to query exactly what they need – no more, no less! This powerful concept allows you to access the full capabilities of your data from a single endpoint. It also means different endpoints for Desktop and Mobile apps (providing different levels of detail to queries) are no longer required. What’s more, there’s a powerful UI for helping you design your query and explore the structure of the data quickly and easily!

During this Playground you will:
- Setup a GraphQL project using GO
- CRUD records using GraphQL query language
- Learn how this allows implementation of the API gateway pattern

You will need:
- A laptop with any modern web browser,
- A GitHub account,

We will provision an instance with AWS CLI and VS code for you to use.

Or to follow on your own machine:
- A laptop
- An Interactive Development environment (We will use VS Code)
- A GitHub account,
- AWS CLI installed,
- AWS account.

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