** Support Slack Channel ** https://join.slack.com/t/playgroundsupport/shared_invite/zt-eovp57xv-cufxkw~jKycbA_bvJ~~Zxw

YouTube link: https://youtu.be/xGxEaEQK1tk

The Speaker: Cameron Harper – https://www.linkedin.com/in/cameron-harper-77b78260/

As this is a hands-on session please remember to have your laptop ready!

Join the DevOps Playground this September for a hands-on introduction to GitOps with Python, Terraform and AWS Lambda

Learn to build, test and deploy a Lambda based application all from a single repository. We’ll walk you through the concept of a GitOps approach and build a snazzy pipeline which performs the following:

· Quality checks
· Security tests
· Unit tests
· Generation of documentation
· And finally deploying

All from a single repository!

You will need:

A laptop
We will provide the rest!

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