Hands-on with Building Cost Efficient Infrastructure in AWS with Terraform

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YouTube link: https://youtu.be/nSemXbd8TQk

Speaker: Patryk Pilecki – https://www.linkedin.com/in/patryk-pilecki-a21841165/ -

As this is a hands-on session, please remember to have your laptop ready!

Message from the man himself:

Hello everyone! I am a DevOps consultant and I spent the past two years designing, building, fixing, managing (you name it) infrastructure in the cloud. During this session, I want to show why using cloud is beneficial, but also demonstrate that it can be easy and cost effective if you pick up the right service for the problem. We will use AWS, nevertheless, all major and most minor cloud vendors have similar services available, so if you want to build in GCP,Azure or elsewhere it might still be somewhat useful for you too!

We will use Terraform to write our configurations, because we believe in IaC and automation in the DevOps world!

What is on the menu?

Lab 1: We will deploy a static website
Lab 2: We will deploy serverless backend and API
Lab 3: We will deploy the database layer and modify our backend to use it

For each part we will have a different user story to work with and will be modifying our set up reacting to new requirements. After an hour, we should end up with 3 tier application working with no idle cost.

This session will be suitable for beginners with no previous experience with AWS or any other cloud provider. I will try to keep it simple so you can get the most of the session! No Terraform experience is needed as well.

- Laptop with modern web browser

We will provide you with a workstation with Terraform installed and AWS access for the time of the labs

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