📍 6:00pm: Registration / Check-in / Pre-event Networking / Food & Drinks
📍 6:20pm: Welcome/Intro - Garland Kan (ManagedKube)
📍 6:30pm: Easy Routing in Kubernetes with Traefik for Application Delivery

(Emile Vauge is founder and CEO at Containous and the creator of Traefik. He has more than 10 years experience developing applications for both the web and industrial uses. He loves containers, orchestrators and gophers.)

In a world of containerized microservices where developers focus on building and exposing to end user their applications, operating containers with Kubernetes can be challenging. Routing requests to your microservices, either coming from end users or other microservices is one of these challenges.
It also provides great business value by allowing developers to expose new features in production using Canary, or Blue / Green.

📍 7:00pm: Zero touch fault detection for Kubernetes

(Larry Lancaster, Founder and CTO, Zebrium, Bio: Larry is the founder and CTO of Zebrium. He started Zebrium with the vision that machine learning could be used to automatically detect software problems by structuring and learning patterns in logs and metrics. Before Zebrium, Larry was Chief Data Scientist at Nimble Storage, founding that company's data science team and architecting/implementing their peta-scale platform for automation and analytics. He also started NetApp's Engineering Informatics Group as Senior Engineer, invented Glassbeam's ETL-focused SPL technology as CTO/Co-Founder, and received a leadership award from the International Congress on Neural Networks as graduate student.)

It's really hard to build and maintain a monitoring system for an app that runs in a distributed Kubernetes deployment. At best it will catch issues and symptoms you have designed it to find, but it will take a lot of effort and won't find "unknown" new issues. Learn about and see a demo that uses machine learning on logs to reliably detect software faults without requiring human input.

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