*** The meetup will be ONLINE and will start at 18:30 (same time as we usually start our stream)
* We will publish link shortly before the meetup

Workshop for beginners
Linux is must for every DevOps engineer.
We will learn and practice basic Linux commands and operations.
In order to be able to practice Linux on any computer we will create Linux (Ubuntu) Virtual Machine using Vagrant. Of course Vagrant is great tool and we're going to use it a lot in our future meetups.

Vagrant is an open-source software product for building and maintaining portable virtual software development environments. We're using Vagrant to spin DEV environment of our application on personal computer as well as STAGE and PROD environments on cloud.

It is hands-on workshop, *** bring your laptop ***
Download and install in advance:
* Vagrant from https://www.vagrantup.com/downloads.html
* VirtualBox from https://www.virtualbox.org/
* Git

The meetup will be in Hebrew

18:00 - Networking and preparations
18:30 - Workshop (screen and audio will be live streamed and recorded)
20:00 - Practice learned materials

The meetup will be recorded and live streamed. Linked will be published right before we start

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