Source: DevOps Exchange - London

DevOps Exchange September

The DevOps Exchange returns to its spiritual home on Tuesday September the 20th, with Sainsbury's Digital hosting their 24th DOXLON event, but amazingly the first since 2019.

Simona and Jonny from healthtech org Accurx are joining us to discuss how they're building CLI tools. Matt, an Istio expert, from Tetrate, is introducing us to the world of AppOps and finally another Matt, from Storm Reply will be discussing how they build IOT solutions.

The usual format will be followed, with 3 x 20 minute talks, followed by refreshments, pizza and the usual continued discussion. Doors open at 6:30pm and the talks will start at 7pm sharp.

Full agenda below and we look forward to hosting you next week.

**[Simona Ionascu]( and [Jonny Sywulak]( @ [Accurx](**

**If you build it, they'll stop complaining about Jenkins: building internal CLI tools to help reduce engineers' cognitive load**

One of the most common ways to start building an internal development platform is to capture common product engineer workflows in a command-line interface tool. Simona & Jonny will talk about their experiences building CLI tools, the advantages building these tools offer, and why you should consider them over big pricey third party IDPs (at least the start).

Simona Ionascu has five years of IT experience, coming from a joint background in computer science and economics. For the past few years, she’s been focusing on making cloud solutions to make developers' lives easier. Her cat's name is Calypso.

Jonny Sywulak has spent the better part of his career helping delivery teams reduce cycle time and increase quality of their products. He's always looking for ways to help engineers deliver value faster and safer, and will not shut up about how great pair programming is no matter how many times we ask him to. He also uses way too many emojis in his commit messages.

**[Matt Turner]( @ [Tetrate](**

**AppOps: enabling real dev/ops collaboration**

DevOps is dead. The world is full of cloud-native infrastructure - clusters, databases, ML farms - it’s all got an API and is highly automated. This was meant to let us move ever faster developing and releasing new software. But building and managing this infrastructure is not an easy job. In our quest to do it well, but not get in the way of app developers, we’ve tried IT, SRE, and DevOps. Sadly, none of them ticked all the boxes. In this talk, Matt will introduce AppOps, a new way of structuring teams and building tooling to enable the best of both works - solid, professionally-run platforms; and empowered, unimpeded app teams.

Matt is a software engineer at Tetrate\, working on Istio\-related products\, and loves sharing the latest tech and trends with everyone\. He's been doing Dev\, sometimes with added Ops\, for over a decade\. His idea of "full\-stack" is Linux\, Kubernetes\, and now Istio too\. He's given many talks and workshops on Kubernetes and Istio\, and is co\-organiser of the Istio London meetup\. He tweets @mt165 and blogs at \[https://mt165\.co\.uk\]\(https://mt165\.co\.uk/\)

**[Matt Mould]( @ [Storm Reply](**

**From cattle to pets – part 1**

Companies have been offloading their work to cloud providers which is having the knock on effect of changing the role of a DevOps engineer. At Storm Reply we have been adding an extra sting to the bows of DevOps Engineers by encouraging them to building IOT solutions for customers. As DevOps engineers we’ve spent the last decade automating infrastructure builds and increasing the frequency of application deployments but this has very unique challenges in the IOT world. We are applying the best practices we have learnt from the datacentre to edge and see this evolving over the next decade.

Matt is a technology leader with 15 years’ experience helping customers adopt cloud native solutions on AWS. He is currently Partner at Storm Reply which opened in London 2 years ago and is focussed on modernising applications for customers and building a cloud-based IOT business.

All the best,


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