The Speaker: Voicu Vlad

DevOps Playground London: Hands-on with Apache JMeter!

The playground is back with another session on testing. Ever wanted to build your own web Spider?

Now that we got your attention, will have a short presentation of some core concepts needed when we have performance testing in mind.

JMeter is a well established tool for performance testing, used in organisations of all sizes. Our aim, for the presentation, is to get familiar with concepts relating to Open System Intercommunication layers and the jMeter components we will be using. In the workshop, we will be following a guide and build our own Web Spider. We aim to use some of the more advanced features of jMeter, like while loops, conditions, scripts, and variables.

We figured web spiders sound complicated, so we wanted to demystify the term. Web crawlers (spider) can help us during our investigation phase for mapping out the WUT (website under test) or just generate traffic for the WUT. At the end of the playground, you will have a better grasp of how to build complex scripts with an industry acclaimed tool that's very friendly to newcomers.

A few things to keep in mind:
- As this is a hands-on session, please remember to bring your laptop.
- Food and drinks will be provided.
- Doors open for networking/beers 18:30
- Playground starts at 19:00

Regards, DevOps Playground Team

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