Source: Tampa Bay DevOps Meetup

DevOpsDays Tampa Bay

DevOpsDays Tampa Bay is coming back in 2022. Save the date!

Get a special discount for the first Tampa Bay DevOps 10 signups, 50% off standard pricing using this link

The latest information can be found here

**What's DevOpsDays?**
DevOpsDays is a grassroots event for professionals in technology to network together and share ideas & challenges relating to DevOps and Technology in general. It is organized by peers who care and believe in collaboration, automation, measurement and constant improvement.
This conference hopes to promote awareness of bridging the gaps and breaking down silos between development, operations, security and other business units.

**What's the Day Like?**
The day consists of three types of fun:

1. Traditional Talks - A 40 minute talk deep diving a riveting DevOps topic on Culture, Automation, Leadership, Measurement or Sharing.
2. Ignite Talks - Quick 10 minute talks that cover a topic. Learn more at []( or [here](
3. Open Space - Unscripted & spontaneous breakout sessions covering any DevOps topic. Topics are suggested in person at the conference.

**Program -** [Learn More Here](

* Aaron Rinehart - Keynote - Operating Safe, Secure & Reliable Systems at Scale
* Adarsh Shah, Priyanka Rao - From Infrastructure as Code to Environment as Code: Challenges scaling IaC and how to resolve them
* Gabriel Liechtman Manor - Kick Your Security Up a Notch with Custom Queries
* Christian Posta - Configuration as Data, GitOps and multi-cluster: the key to successful service-mesh adoption
* Jim Barton - Quenching the Fire: Evaluating Log4Shell Mitigation Strategies
* Ismet Handzic - yojenkins — A User-Friendly Command Line Interface Tool for Jenkins
* Richard Lewis - LMAO Helps During Outages
* Alex Brewers - SRE-Top SLOs you can implement today, and how to automate them all!
* Santosh Hari - Feature flags: the toggle, the A/B test and the canary
* Waldo G - Pronouncing 'kubectl': The Definitive Guide
* Thomas Haver - The Automation Firehose: Be Strategic and Tactical
* Esteban Garcia - Developer-First Security: GitHub security features
* Gerie Owen - Enabling Digital Transformation Through DevOps
* Jonathan Speigner - Are your APIs Rugged?
* Marcos Diez - Kubernetes, AWS, ALBs, Terraform and no Helm!
* Arthur Garcia, Tito Martinez - Common Security Mistakes We Have All Made (and the Tools to Prevent them?

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