Source: Pittsburgh Code & Supply

Global Day of CodeRetreat: Virtual Edition

10:00-12:30 and 2:00-4:00pm

This year things are different with going virtual. One thing we're doing is a LONG break, being on a video call all day is exhausting, we understand.

Schedule of the day:
9:30am: Optional tech setup and greetings. BYO coffee
10:00am: Intro to Code Retreat and more greetings
10:30- 12:30: Two Code Retreat cycle
12:30-2:00pm: BREAK, go get lunch, go for walk, socialize, etc
2:00-4:00pm: Two more Code Retreat cycles + Wrap up
4:00pm: Optional post event hangouts


Traditional definition
Coderetreats are free day-long, intensive practice events, focusing on the fundamentals of software development and design. By providing developers the opportunity to take part in focused practice, away from the pressures of "getting things done", the coderetreat format has proven itself to be a highly effective means of learning and nurturing software development skills.

We ask you have the follow up set up before the event:
* Join #coderetreat on C&S slack
* Have Zoom installed
* Have coding environment setup, be able to run hello word + test
* Add your information to google sheet (name, programming languages)

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